Dealing with Vampires

Clouds1_bEveryone has met at least one. You start the day enthusiastic and full of energy. Then after an unpleasant encounter you need a long nap followed by some serious caffeine.

You may have met an energy vampire. Someone who seems to leave you feeling drained after every encounter.

What happened?

Some energy vampires connect with an emotional hook. The vampire may be that one person who “always” gets on your nerves. They find and press your buttons, you loose your temper, and the draining connection is made. The end result: they’re acting perky and you feel depleted.

Or you may have one of those needy people who require unceasing attention. There are always times when someone needs assistance and support, but the vampire is the one who is consistently in need, always the victim. You can try to be helpful and compassionate but instead sucked into endless drama.

Whatever the scenario, an energy cord connects both of you together and allows an energy exchange. The cord also keeps you connected to each other. These cords can vary in size and usually connect to the solar plexus (the source of your life force energy).

So what can be done?

To cut the cords you must first be grounded.

Imagine a sword that cuts all cords all around your body including those behind you. Focus especially on those connected to the solar plexus. If cutting cords in the solar plexus is not creating shift, check to see if there are additional chords connected below your feet.

Clouds2_bIf you are anticipating an encounter, hold the intention that you will not accept any energy cords. You can also ask that your energy field have a mirror to deflect unwanted energies. Sometimes, we are in a situation where we are expected to greet others with a hug, this is another time to declare your intention that you will not accept any attachments. You can also cut cords following an encounter, just in case.

The connection is fed by emotional energy. To avoid cords in the future, pay attention to how you work your energy. As the co-creator of every encounter, you  choose how to respond. No one can make you sad or mad, it’s always your choice.

The fastest way to mend a dysfunctional pattern is to change your actions. Your buttons get pushed because you make them available. Changing the way you respond shifts the everything.

Remember that all energy connections require your participation. You are the only one who can choose how you wish to use your energy. Plan accordingly.



When I’m not writing these blogs, I provide energy clearings for people and places around the world. I also create products designed to help improve the energy of your environment and support your healing process. Check out all of my services, stuff and testimonials too at 

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