You always get to be right

dawnskyOur thoughts and words direct the flow of our creative energy. Words start the manifestation process. You repeat self-affirming words about prosperity, but if you are preoccupied with ideas about lack and poverty, you will call in scarcity instead. Where your attention goes is where energy flows.

Does your brain chatter make you feel joyful and empowered, or do your thoughts make you feel stuck and powerless? Pay attention.

Everyone has fear. Everyone has pain. Dwelling on old painful experiences keeps us stuck repeating our past. When we spend time lamenting, we diminish our life force energy. A focus on lack directs our energy to recreating what does not serve. If a painful experience has already been processed, if there is nothing more to be done, let it go. Don’t spend any more time on it.

I never have any money. I always have to fight for everything. I attract bad relationships. Good stuff never happens. I always get ripped off.

Be careful with words like “always” and “never.” We can describe our past without dragging old views into the future. To create positive change consider the thoughts and words you choose. When we decide that life is hard or unfair, that we cannot have, that we are powerless our energy aligns with these limits. You always get to be right.


So the key is to be truly present in the moment. You cannot be in fear and joy at the same time. When you are completely present right now, there isn’t room in your thoughts for bad memories or concerns about what could be. If it’s not what you want, don’t keep looking at it. When old crap comes up, cancel and clear it and replace your fear with a vision of what you do want. You can always replace your mind chatter with these affirmations instead.

Right now you are totally fine. Right now you are completely taken care of. When you find yourself in fear, take time to dig down to the base issue. Most often, it’s a fear of being vulnerable or feeling pain. But really, nothing can actually hurt you, and right this minute you are totally fine.

Take the time with this fresh new year to look at your creation, your life. Choose to use the regenerative energy of this time to see and own what you really want to manifest.  See what you want to create and let that positive creation fill your thoughts.



When I’m not writing these blogs, I provide energy clearings for people and places around the world. I also create products designed to help improve the energy of your environment and support your healing process. Check out all of my services, stuff and testimonials too at 


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