Working with the elements for personal healing

Some life events are so traumatic that it takes a while to deal with the overwhelming emotional fallout. Everything feels too big to process all at once. Sometimes big shift requires healing on multiple layers.

One way that people deal with hard times is to swallow it and keep moving. Others relive the trauma repeatedly; they just can’t let it go. It’s hard to navigate a middle path between stuffing the pain and reliving it.

Salt Flat Rainbow memory from a friend.Healing emotional trauma means reexamining and redefining who we are. Releasing unrealized hopes and dreams associated with the trauma is painful. As we detach from our old views, we heal the wound and find space in our hearts and minds to create a new vision.

Eventually we notice that we have gained distance and clarity. We have moved on and released the pain. But clearing a trauma is like peeling an onion. The pain shifts from constant to occasional. How do we release what no longer serves?

The elemental energies are primary allies. This planet is a blend of earth, air, fire and water. We breathe the air, drink the water and the sun and earth make everything grow. In our bodies elements rule digestive fire, breath, tears and saliva, and bones and teeth.

FireWaterAirEarthYou have been the elements for all of your life on this plane, but you can also work with the energy of these elements for healing. Here are some suggestions for working with the elements when you want to create shift with life traumas.

Root yourself

Stand and place your feet firmly on the earth. Feel yourself rooting in and allow the energy of earth to fill you. Feel the healing, strengthening energy of the earth.

Breathe peace

The wind cools your tea and blows the leaves from the trees. Harness the energy of the wind to blow away what no longer serves.  Release negative thought patterns and unhappy memories into a fast breeze so they can never return.

Burn the trash

Create a fire ceremony for yourself. Create a list of things that no longer serve (habits, memories, bad relationships, etc.) and throw it into your fireplace.  You can do this energetically when you look at a candle, imagine releasing your pain into the flame. Here’s a ceremony to consider.

Rinse away your troubles

Imagine dropping negative beliefs, experiences or situations into a rushing mountain stream.  See yourself standing under a powerful, cleansing waterfall to wash away a stressful moment. Try standing in your own shower and release troubling thoughts and memories down the drain.

When you have times of trouble and imbalance, take the time to center yourself and call in the elements to create peace and clarity.



When I’m not writing these blogs, I provide energy clearings for people and places around the world. I also create products designed to help improve the energy of your environment and support your healing process. Check out all of my services, stuff and testimonials too at 

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